

这里是 SnowGuest的博客站点,只会记录一些有意思的日常事

WeChat Mini Program Swiper Adaptive Height Pitfall Record

Today, when writing a WeChat mini program, I encountered an issue where the content inside the Swiper was not displaying on the actual device, although it appeared normal in the developer environment.

The specific code is:

<View></View> // height:120rpx
  <Swiper> // flex:1

In this situation, using flex works fine in the developer tool, but in actual device debugging, preview, and experience version, the Swiper height successfully fills the screen, but the Swiper-item height is 0, resulting in no content being displayed.

The solution here is quite straightforward:

  height:calc(100vh - calc(120rpx - env(safe-area-inset-bottom)));

Manually calculate the height, and it is recommended to fix the height of other additional Views. Avoid using flex1 at the same time as it will override the height.


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