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VsCode plugin preview "XApifox"

First of all, thanks to the XMouse Vscode plugin by Chenma for providing the development ideas for this plugin XMouse. If you are interested, you can install and experience it.


Seeing how convenient the XMouse drag-and-drop import plugin is for development, I found it very interesting. I felt like I could replicate it, combined with the fact that I have been using Apifox and find its interface documentation very useful. Since it also has open third-party interfaces, why not combine the two, create a vscode plugin, and improve my efficiency (yeah, very awesome).


  • Project setup
  • Save user settings for cross-device use
  • Update API documentation at the right time
  • Multi-project management (workspace)
  • Custom drag-and-drop templates
  • Custom drag-and-drop types

Feel free to submit a PR: XApifox

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